28 – 30 March, 2021

New lockdown in Dakhla

The city of Dakhla will be under a new lockdown for at least three days. An explosion of cases of contamination with the English variant of Covid-19 is worrying the authorities.

he authorities of the city of Dakhla have decreed a total confinement of 72 hours, after the appearance of 49 cases of contamination with the English variant of Covid-19 in the city. All public establishments have been closed.

According to sources quoted by TelQuel Arabi, the Wilaya of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region has also decided to ban all travel to and from Dakhla: all access to the city will be closed for the next three days.

The same sources revealed that 9 cases of infection by the British strain have been recorded in an institution of higher education, in addition to some 40 cases of contacts of the family and relatives of these students.

Authorities in the region have re-established security checkpoints in a range of neighbourhoods and entry points to the city, and have also conducted mass screening of all contact cases.

For more information, please consult (in French) the following link.

Morocco closes its airspace to France and Spain from midnight on Tuesday 30 March

Morocco is suspending flights to and from France and Spain from midnight on Tuesday 30 March. A total of 39 countries are now affected by these travel restrictions.
Travel to and from France and Spain will be temporarily suspended from midnight on Tuesday 30 March, a source at the National Airports Office (ONDA) told TelQuel, confirming information previously published by Hespress. For the moment, no date for the resumption of air links has been announced.

According to the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, under the Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Air Transport and Social Economy, “special passenger flights from these two destinations will be subject to reinforced controls, in accordance with the sanitary protocol defined by the competent Moroccan authorities,” reports MAP.

39 countries concerned

These two countries are added to the list of 37 countries with which Morocco has suspended its air links due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the appearance of new variants of the virus, much more contagious.

These are Mali, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Conakry, Libya, Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Cameroon, Croatia, Mozambique, Poland, Norway, Finland, Greece, Lebanon, Kuwait, Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Morocco and the United Kingdom, Egypt, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Australia, Ireland, Brazil, New Zealand, United Kingdom, South Africa and Denmark.

For more information, please consult(in French)  the following link.