COMIRE.DE is an independent and balanced bi-lingual publication (English and French), which provides essential and crucial information to migrants and refugees in North Africa, about COVID-19 developments, and how the lives of migrants and refugees are impacted by it.
COMIRE.DE focus on three areas: 1. COVID-19 Protection, which includes information about hygiene, confinement, social distancing, etc. 2. COVID-19 Information, which focuses on dispelling rumours and disseminating factual information about in-country developments and governmental decisions, and 3. COVID-19 Press, which spans press coverage on the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on migrant and refugee communities in North Africa, Africa and the world. COMIRE.DE provides short excerpts of press articles in addition to the link of the original post. This publication also provides articles by COMIRE.DE contributors. These articles will be marked as such. The goal of COMIRE.DE is neither to encourage nor to discourage migration, and does not hold any position on the subject.
COMIRE.DE is a publication by Xchange Perspectives e.V.
The views expressed in this publication do not reflect the opinions of Xchange Perspectives e.V. and its affiliated researchers. COMIRE.DE and Xchange Perspectives e.V. neither endorse nor are affiliated with any third parties mentioned in any section of this website. All external links and embeds from third-party external sources are the responsibility of their authors only. COMIRE.DE, Xchange Perpectives e.V. and their affiliated researchers are thereby not responsible nor do they endorse any external content linked to on this website.